Personal art
Concept Art & Exploration
Some work focusing on colour, tone, and atmosphere I did to develop a concept for an exam
Concept sketches
Rakurri Brush Set V2
Rakurri Brush Set V2 is a popular brush set for Krita that is rated 4.9/5 on Gumroad. It’s an all-around set with a special focus on stylized work. As of writing, it has the second most views in the Resources category (and the most if V1 and V2 are combined) on the official Krita forum, Krita-Artist. The brush set is also a part of the official Krita Manual.
The brush set has over 31 500 sales on Gumroad and Ko-fi combined, and an unknown, but likely large, amount of downloads on GitHub
Rakurri Brush Tip Maker
As featured on 80 Level and CG Channel, this product saves a ton of time in creating brush tips. It is made with Substance 3D Designer, and can export custom brush tips to any painting application! The TikTok video for this product gained over 140 000 views!
80 Level article:
CG Channel article:
Rakurri Gradient Map Set
A free collection of Gradient Maps for Krita.
Rakurri Shortcut & Navigation Set
A set of shortcut and navigation tweaks to make the Krita Keymap easier to remember and better compatible with non-English keyboards.
The optional Navigation Set makes Krita navigate more similar to Blender for artists that use both.